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г – 2014
г – 2004
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г – 2013
The handbook is divided into: the funding instruments, how EU Delegations deliver cooperation, the Thematic Instruments, How Funds are Allocated, Grants and Contracts, Budget Support and Cross Border Cooperation. It also looks into how governments in the Neighbourhood partner countries are supported to bring about the change. The handbook also looks at institutions offering lending, like the European Investment Bank, and lists some ongoing funded projects giving the reader an idea of what’s available. The handbook also includes a glossary of EU funding terms, with links to where one can find out more. Spread over five pages, the EU Funding Glossary can be printed out separately making it a stand-alone product.
This handbook is part of a series of publications produced by the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre.
г – 2013
г – 2010
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г – 2011
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г – 2009
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(www.rgd.org.ua) (ʲ) (www.canurb.org) (CIDA). ̳ (www.me.kmu.gov.ua), ̳ , - (www.minregion.gov.ua) (www.academy.gov.ua). (www.narda.org.ua) , (www.ffit.org) .
г – 2010
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г – 2012
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г – 2011
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(www.rgd.org.ua) (ʲ) (www.canurb.org) (CIDA). ̳ (www.me.kmu.gov.ua), ̳ , - (www.minregion.gov.ua) (www.academy.gov.ua). (www.narda.org.ua) , (www.ffit.org) .
г – 2009
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г – 2011
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г – 2011
These Guidelines have been prepared to support ongoing improvements in the quality of EC development assistance. Quality is defined primarily in terms of the relevance, feasibility and effectiveness of the programmes and projects supported with EC funds, including how well they are managed.
More specifically, the Guidelines aim to support good management practices and effective decision making throughout the project management cycle – from programming, through to identification, formulation, implementation and evaluation. The Guidelines aim to promote consistency and clarity of approach, while allowing for the operational flexibility required of a dynamic and diverse external assistance programme.
These Guidelines have been prepared for the European Commission by the staff of the Aid Delivery Methods Helpdesk with the support of, and input from, a significant number of staff within the European Aid Cooperation Office (EuropeAID).
г – 2004
The purpose of this manual is to create a new synergy by bringing together project management practices and socio-economic and gender issues within the conceptual framework of SEAGA. This is achieved by drawing on other theoretical perspectives and methods including project cycle management, the logical framework, rapid appraisal techniques, participatory approaches, and gender analysis and stakeholder identification.
Prepared by Clare Bishop in collaboration with the Socio-economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA) Programme.
г – 2001
г – 2012
г – 2013
г – 2012
, - «ϳ - DesPro». - «ϳ - DesPro».
г – 2009
(www.rgd.org.ua) (ʲ) (www.canurb.org) (CIDA). ̳ (www.me.kmu.gov.ua), ̳ , - (www.minregion.gov.ua) (www.academy.gov.ua). (www.narda.org.ua) , (www.ffit.org) .
г – 2008