All-Ukrainian Network of experts and practitioners
on regional and local development
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Не вказано

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Не вказано



    Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Regional Councils

  • АМУ

    Association of Ukrainian Cities


    All-Ukrainian Association of Village and Settlement Councils

  • Мінрегіон

    Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine

  • komsamovr

    Secretariate of Committee on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine


    National Association of Regional Development Agencies


    Office of the Representative of the Secretary General in Ukraine


    Swiss-Ukrainian project «Decentralization Support in Ukraine» DESPRO

  • ІГС

    Civil Society Institute

  • АММУ

    Association of Small Towns of Ukraine

  • НАДУ

    National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

  • Відродження

    Program Initiatives «Democratic Practice» of International Renaissance Foundation


    Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research

  • ЦППР

    Centre of Policy and Legal Reform

  • Мережа центрів

    Public Union Network of legal information and consultation


    National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine

  • Ресурсний центр

    Center for Knowledge Management «Resource Center for Sustainable Local Development»

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